Suomen Natohakemus etenee. Presidentti Niinistö menee tänään Istanbuliin kuulemaan huomista Turkin parlamentin päätöstä.
Kun virallinen Suomi on sodan valinnut, yksityiset kansalaiset tekevät vielä parhaansa Suomen oikeusvaltion puolesta. Jali Raita on lähettänyt jo spostia Turkin suurlähettiläälle ja vie vetoomuksensa vielä henkilökohtaisesti tänään suurlähetystöön.
Dear ambassador, H.E. Mrs Deniz Çakar
The Case: Pacta Sunt Servanda, the possible Finnish membership in the
NATO Alliance
The Hungarian delegation visited Helsinki
on the 8th of March 2023 in
the connection of the planned Finnish membership to the NATO Alliance. The
delegation met some Finnish politicians.
I made a report for the delegation concerning this diplomatic effort. I
am enclosing my report to to you in two copies. Basically the situation for
Türkiye is the same as for Hungar
It is obvious that Finland
has made a grand diplomatic mistake to process her NATO decisions in her
parliament first and not to wait the ratifications by Hungary and
Türkiye. Finland is pressing
those countries to accept Finnish decision not waiting the political processes
in Hungary
and Türkiye and interfering in the internal political processes in those
countries. The Finnish conduct is unacceptable diplomatic scandal. Finland is treating Hungary and Türkiye like as her
subjects, third world countries or her colonies without any respect.
Finland has valid internationally approved Paris Peace Treaty of the
year 1947 with allied nations,, and a treaty with Russian Federation for the
base of mutual relationship of the year 1992 FINLEX 63/1992. Both treaties are
in the archives in the United Nations and are such approved as international
law ie Pacta Sunt Servanda. The treaty for mutual relationship with
the Russian Federation
is registered in the UN with number 29173
Following are three important treaties now:
Rauhansopimus Suomen
Tasavallan ja Sosialististen Neuvostotasavaltojen Liiton välillä (SopS 3/9140)
(Moskovan rauhansopimus) 12.3.1940 (engl. Moscow Peace Treaty)
Rauhansopimus Suomen
kanssa (SopS20/1947) (Pariisin rauhansopimus) 10.2.1947 (engl. Treaty of Paris)
Suomen ja Venäjän
välinen sopimus suhteiden perusteista (SopS 63/1992)20.1.1992 (engl. Treaty between the Republic of Finland
and the Russian Federation on the Basis for Relations).
Finland has been and is still misleading her
international partners not to inform them of the validity of those treaties,
which prevent Finland
to join NATO Alliance. Those treaties could have prevented the Finnish
membership in the European Union, too, if Finland had informed the
international community of their relevancies.
The Finnish conduct is on a verge of drawing European Union and NATO
Alliance into a military conflict with the Russian Federation possibly nuclear
war. This must be avoided. Finland
cannot be accepted to become a member of NATO Alliance.
As the most important is the Paris Peace Treaty of the year 1947 article
3, as per which Treaty between the Soviet Union (today Russian Federation) and
Finland signed in Moscow on March 12,1940 was restored.
The Article 3 in
the Moscow Peace Treaty is as follows:
3. Artikla (from the Winter war Moscow peace treaty of the year 1940)
Sopimuspuolet sitoutuvat kumpikin puolestaan pidättymään kaikesta hyökkäyksestä
toistansa vastaan ja olemaan tekemättä mitään liittoja tai osallistumasta
koalitio-liittymiin, jotka ovat suunnatut jompaakumpaa sopimuspuolta vastaan.
Статья III.
"Обе Договаривающиеся
Стороны обязуются взаимно воздерживаться от всякого нападения одна на другую и
не заключать каких-либо союзов или участвовать в коалициях, направленных против
одной из Договаривающихся Сторон.
Article 3.
"Both contracting parties undertake each to refrain
from any attack upon the other and to make no alliance and to participate in no
coalition directed against either of the contracting parties.
One reason for the present military conflict in Ukraine is the policy of the expansion of the
NATO Alliance, which the Russian
Federation has been opposing. China has also warned of the expansion and of
the new military alliances. Those warnings should be taken seriously.
I am bringing my report to Hungarians dated 7th of March 2023 with it’s enclosures
by hand to your embassy Thursday 16th of March and i hope the you
could convey my report to your president Erdogan for the discussion of the
Finnish membership in the Nato Alliance with our president Sauli Niinistö on
Friday 17th of March. The discussion should cover the issue, why Finland is hiding from the international
community including Türkiye of those obstacles, which prevent Finland joining
the NATO Alliance.
In Somero 15th of March 2023
Yours faithfully
Jali Raita, combat lieutenant in reserve in the Finnish army, diploma engineer, ex diplomat, ex Notarius Publicum
Suuret Kiitokset Jalille koko kansan puolesta! 🇫🇮
Jali Raita on tehnyt todella arvokasta työtä koko Suomen kansan puolesta.
VastaaPoistaSauli Niinistön maanpetokset -90-luvun alussa hänen toimiessaan ministerinä ja nykyiset valtiopetokset hänen toimiessaan presidenttinä ovat realisoituneet. Näin raskaat ihmisoikeusrikokset omaa kansaa kohtaan pitäisi saada kansainväliseen rikostuomioistuimeen tutkittavaksi, koska Suomi on niiden johdosta ajettu kolmessa kymmenessä vuodessa täydelliseen laittomuuden tilaan. Koska Suomen oikeuslaitos on alistettu poliittiseen ohjaukseen jo 6.5.1992 Koiviston konklaavissa, Suomesta puuttuu tuomioistuin, joka pystyisi langettamaan vankeustuomion korkeimmalle valtionjohdolle.
Lähihistoriassa tapahtuneista rikoksista lähemmin, ks.